Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A challenge by John Edwards

I am beginning to think Edwards is our only hope. By "our" I mean people who want the people to run our government, not corporations.


LadyLiberal said...

I'm not sure about Edwards, Kid Radical. How can you explain the hedgefund position on his resume? That doesn't seem anti-coporation to me. And what about his 28,000 square foot home? His lifestyle, sad to say, seems to be inconsistent with his political message. That being said, he's still lightyears better than Hillary.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure what the hedge fund position is? And I agree there are problems...but so does Barack? Huge ones...and it seems Edwards is the only one talking about these issues. He doesn't take any corporate money at all - as in special interest money (the same as Barack).

I kind of wish one would just endorse the other so we can have a race between anti-war/anti-corporate v. war and special interests for the soul of the dem. party.

that said Barack needs to explain himself on McClurkin. Hopefully, tonight.

magda flores said...

"Will (Clinton) be the person who brings about the change in this country? You know, I believe in Santa Claus. I believe in the tooth fairy. But I don't think that's going to happen." --John Edwards


Unknown said...

thanks magda, just what i wanted to hear... i'm with ya.